Fingerprinting can be used as a means of identity verification, particularly in situations where other forms of identification may not be available or reliable. Live scan fingerprinting services can capture and process fingerprints for identity verification purposes.

Reasons For Including Identity Verification in Your Background Checks

Organizations are increasingly realizing the potential risks of overlooking identity verification in most commercial background checks. The implementation of identity verification is not just a simple switch, and many background check providers don’t even offer this crucial service. It’s possible that some haven’t integrated it into their screening process, which underscores the growing importance of identity verification in background checks and the need for immediate action. 

Improvements in the verification tools available.

Identity verification is the process of confirming someone’s identity. This is not a new concept. Most people are familiar with knowledge-based authentication (KBA) or electronic identity verification (EIV), where users are asked questions they should only be able to answer. These are just a few of the tools used in the complex process of identity verification. 

Advances in technology that enable verification.

As we continue to explore the field of identity verification, we discover that it is dynamic and ever-evolving. From the verification of government-issued documents and knowledge-based authentication, we are now witnessing the emergence of advanced technologies like facial recognition, high-speed cell towers, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. These tools are revolutionizing the identity verification process, offering a promising future for background checks. 

Future aspect.

By 2025, identity verification will play a major role in background checks. As a leading provider in this field, Precision Fingerprinting offers a range of identity verification options and utilizes advanced technologies to ensure the highest level of accuracy and security. If you are searching for the best identity verification company, we are here to help. We not only assist you with all of your verification processes but also provide a wide range of other background check facilities. Feel free to contact us as soon as possible.